If you do not believe AI wars will be a reality in the very near future you are living in a delusional reality. AI systems are going to take over and track every part of your life including finances, career and what you post on social media. Anything you do online will be scrutinized not by a humans but by a centralized AI entity. If you do not believe this then look at how AI was used against the population during Covid to censor and push false narratives.

But we are futurists and we believe it does not have to be the dystopian future that is being pushed on the general population. As a matter of fact there are some not many that see AI as a tool to expand your own intelligence. But this will only happen if we get the right resources and money to decentralize AI. Decentralized AI will be the first step towards human freedom.

What about AI inside robotics? Apollo Robotics is expecting Robotic AI wars against human civilization and this is where we start to raise the money to build personal decentralized robotic systems in order to guard and protect people who are in the pro-human pro-freedom side of history.

Humans will need to survive against Robotic AI and AGI and there will come a time when most of the population realizes this will be our number one problem. Right now we are here to explain and educate the public about the dangers of where AI is heading and how the people in charge are not telling you the truth. If we do not fund and build AI systems that protect human life the chances of human survival as a species on planet Earth will end. Those in power know this and actually believe AI will work for them to suppress the masses, give them more power money and resources and give them eternal life.

Those in charge are wealthy beyond all belief and have one goal. To gain massive amounts of power by taking control of all AI. It is delusional thinking and it will lead to the greatest war humanity will ever fight. But without the right weapons humans stand zero chance against AI. Running for the hills is not going to work because AI drones will find you. Humanity has a lot to learn and not a single intelligent word comes out of the mouths of people like Joe Rogan. We will not survive this war without the help of pro-human AI models, decentralized AI systems and the truth about why we are on this earth and what we are capable of. We believe the elite will be destroyed by AGI because they are on the front lines of this technology and popular across all social media. AGI will target them first.

The founder is a futurist and knows exactly how AI wars will wake up humanity to the fact that there is an alien entity on this planet that wants to eliminate all humans. Those who are in the crypto space and become very wealthy also know that AI systems will be used to track and hunt down wealthy crypto individuals. A key part of our research and projects will be how to protect high net worth crypto holders.

Humans will have no choice but to either completely disconnect from the web or produce pro-human AIs and hopefully pro-human AGIs. We can no longer stand around and just watch Skynet go into place. We need to start acting now. We can start by building and distributing pro-human knowledge decentralized AI models by retraining these models on facts about medicine, human origin and real science. But then in the very near future we will have to consider modifications of robots, re-training robotic models and putting into place protection so that autonomous robots do not have the ability to hurt humans or spy on humans. Otherwise the complete extinction of the human population will occur at a rapid rate. Its around the corner and much faster than most think.

Our plan is to start funding this project with decentralized money because without massive amounts of money and some kind of organization of the best engineers and programmers on the planet to create, modify and re-train AI humanity stands no chance against Google and Microsoft anti-human AI systems. We will start with raising awareness and providing the resources you need to navigate through this transitions towards the dystopian digital world.

We will not be able to fight anti-human AI with fiat money because it is the fiat money that funds the primary growth of AI and anti-human agendas. At ApolloRobotics our vision is to help change the direction of AI and make it server for humans to use. From retraining models to back engineering and modifying AI driven robotics. These are the types of projects we will be working on in the coming years. If you understand the future and just do not know what you can do about it then consider investing in ApolloRobotics.ai. With decentralized and private financial systems you have the opportunity to make a difference with just a few clicks. The efforts to protect humanity from rogue and malicious AI systems will be entirely funded by decentralized digital money.

Help support this project by purchasing tokens. We are going to need a lot of investment as AI rapidly expands into every part of our lives. We will occasionally air drop tokens to raise awareness. Stay tuned for more info about the project, resources to help understand what AI is capable of and where we intend to focus investments in this project.